Friday 5 February 2010

Mortgate Free Challenge - we're (nearly) back on track!!!

Hiya All

Well can somebody tell me where the weeks are going? It's been a while since I last posted and updated you on my Mortgage Free Challenge. My last update was pretty doom and gloom as we'd just found out that my hubby had lost his job and I was feeling somewhat guilty about the mortgage over payments I'd been making when suddenly we found ourselves strapped for cash. Well I'm unbelievably thrilled to report that hubby has landed himself another job!! It's still early days but what a difference it makes - not only to the financial worry of potentially getting into debt but also the fact it's lifted the mood of the family no end.

My thoughts had been turning to having to borrow on the credit card, or rather not being in a position to pay off the bill at the end of the month, cutting down on shopping bills - most significantly, not letting my boys place anything and everything into the shopping trolley (boy they have not been impressed - thankfully it has only lasted a few shopping trips!). And my biggest fear has been the thought of defaulting on my mortgage repayment. The fear of this was so great that I even found myself having nightmares of the consequences. The act of having a default payment on your mortgage is so significant as it has such a negative affect on your credit rating - and a long lasting one at that. In fact, I think once it is on your record, I'm pretty sure it stays there, thus drastically affecting your chances of obtaining another mortgage in future.

I know I'm waffling but it's scary to think how quickly things can snowball out of control and before you know it, you're in a dire situation. Thankfully, this hasn't happened to us, and boy am I relieved that this is the case. So as the title suggests, we're very nearly back on track with ploughing our hard earned cash into our mortgage pot.

Hope 2010 is treating everybody well - keep reading, keep overpaying and lets get rid of that mortgage and be mortgage free sooner rather than later!!


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