Thursday 5 November 2009

Going off Track a Little

Hiya Everyone

Sorry I've not posted for a few weeks but life has been a bit hectic to say the least! So, how have I been doing with gearing up for my Mortgage Free Challenge? Well, not very well to be honest! I've recently spent a large amount of money on a family holiday - and rather than making me feel guilty and wishing I'd saved it or over payed a little bit more on the mortgage, it's making me feel REALLY excited!!

I've not been abroad for over 5 years for one reason or another (mainly down to some very serious operations) and my main motivation has been my 3 year old son. He is desperate to go on an aeroplane and this has made me feel more guilty than the spending of the money. My eldest son (who is now 9) had been on numerous holidays including a cruise round the med by the time me was 3 years old.

OK, so I've not bought the holiday on credit and I can afford to pay it off now if I so wished - I'm not made of money but do have a little savings account that's for rainy days - well I decided last week that this was my rainy day. The way it has made my boys feel and knowing we have the excitement leading up to the holiday is totally worth it in my eyes.

I've not lost sight of what I want to do in terms of the mortgage but every now and again I have a look at what I've got and where I am in my life and I think, my boys come first - I want them to have these memories to look back on. But it's not only them, it's me and my husband who will cherish these memories that will be made on our 1st summer holiday as a family of 4 next year - so roll on May 2010!!


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